Chapter 9 Special Continuous Distributions

9.1 Exponential Distribution

Let \(Y~\sim Poisson(\lambda t)\) be a Poisson process with intensity \(\lambda t\). Let \(X\) be the time until the next count/event is observed. Then, the probability \(X \geq t\) is the probability is takes at least \(t\) time for the next event, has probability \[P(X > t) = P(\text{no events in }(0,t)) = P_Y(0;t) = \frac{(\lambda t)^0 e^{-\lambda t}}{0!} = e^{-\lambda t}.\] The CDF of \(X\) then must be \[F_X(x) = 1-P(X > x) = P(X\leq x) = 1-e^{-\lambda x},\] and the PDF of \(X\) is \[f_X(x) = \frac{d}{dx}F_X(x) = \lambda e^{-\lambda x}, \, x\geq 0.\]

We recognize this as the PDF of an Exponential random variable. This derivation provides an important connection between the Exponential and Poisson (and, ultimately, Bernoulli) distributions: the waiting times of an Poisson process (with intensity \(\lambda t\)) are Exponentially distributed (with mean \(1/\lambda\)).

The MGF of the Exponential distribution is

\[M_X(t) = E(e^{tX}) = \int_{0}^\infty \lambda e^{-\lambda x(1-t/\lambda)}dx\] \[ = \frac{\lambda e^{-\lambda x(1-t/\lambda)}}{-\lambda (1-t/\lambda)}|_0^\infty\] \[ = \frac{1}{1-t/\lambda}, \text{ provided }t < \lambda.\]

Taking derivatives: \[\frac{d}{dt}M_X(t) = \frac{1}{\lambda(1-t/\lambda)^2}, \] and taking \(t = 0\) implies \(E(X) = 1/\lambda\). And, again, \[\frac{d^2}{dt^2}M_X(t) = \frac{2}{\lambda^2(1-t/\lambda)^3}\] which implies \(E(X^2) = 2/\lambda^2\) and \(V(X) = 1/\lambda^2\).

9.2 Poisson Interarrival times are iid Exponential(\(\lambda\))

In this section we show that the subsequent times to events in a Poisson process are iid Exponential(\(\lambda\))-distributed. We prove this for only the first \(2\) such times, and hope the intuition is clear as to why the general case holds also.

Let \(X_1\) be the time to the first event. We have already shown this is \(Exp(\lambda)\). Let \(X_2\) be the additional (not total) time to the second event. Our strategy is to compute the joint probability funciton \(P(X_1 >x_1, X_2 >x_2)\) and note this is a product of the marginal probabilities \(P(X_1 >x_1)\) and \(P(X_2 >x_2)\), then we will have shown the claim. The easiest way to do this is to first consider the total times \(S_1 = X_1\) and \(S_2 = X_1 + X_2\).

Start by writing \[\begin{align*} F_{S_1, S_2}(s_1, s_2) &= P(S_1 \leq s_1, S_2 \leq s_2)\\ & = 1 - P(S_1 > s_1, S_2 > s_2) \\ &- P(S_1 \leq s_1, S_2 > s_2)\\ &P(S_1 > s_1, S_2 \leq s_2). \end{align*}\]

Now, \(P(S_1 > s_1, S_2 > s_2)\) is the probability there are no events in \((0,s_1)\) and no more than 1 event in \((s_1, s_2)\). By the definition of the Poisson process, the counts in disjoint intervals are independent, so we have \[\begin{align*} P(S_1 > s_1, S_2 > s_2) & = P(Y((0, s_1)) = 0, \, Y((s_1, s_2))\leq 1)\\ & = P(Y((0, s_1)) = 0)P(Y((s_1, s_2))\leq 1)\\ & = \frac{(\lambda s_1)^0e^{-\lambda s_1}}{0!}\times\left\{ \frac{(\lambda (s_2-s_1))^0e^{-\lambda (s_2-s_1)}}{0!}+ \frac{(\lambda (s_2-s_1))^1e^{-\lambda (s_2-s_1)}}{1!}\right\} \end{align*}\]

Similar arguments show: \[P(S_1 \leq s_1, S_2 > s_2) = \lambda s_1 e^{-\lambda s_2}.\] \[P(S_1 > s_1, S_2 \leq s_2) = e^{-\lambda s_1} - e^{-\lambda s_2}(1+\lambda(s_2 - s_1)).\]

Then, \[F_{S_1, S_2}(s_1, s_2) = 1-e^{-\lambda s_1} - \lambda s_1 e^{-\lambda s_2}.\] And, by differentiating once w.r.t. \(s_1\) and once w.r.t. \(s_2\) we obtain \[f_{S_1, S_2}(s_1, s_2) = \lambda^2e^{-\lambda s_2}, \, 0<s_1<s_2.\] Next, \[\begin{align*} P(X_1 > x_1, X_2 > x_2) &= P(S_1 > x_1, S_2-S_1 > x_2)\\ & = \int_{x_1}^\infty \int_{s_1 + x_2}^\infty \lambda^2 e^{-\lambda s_2}\,ds_2\,ds_1\\ & = e^{-\lambda x_1}e^{-\lambda x_2}. \end{align*}\] Notice this is a product of the marginal \(Exp(\lambda)\) probabilities \(P(X_1 > x_1) = e^{-\lambda x_1}\) and \(P(X_2 > x_2) = e^{-\lambda x_2}\).

9.3 Gamma Distribution

Let \(X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n\) be a sequence of iid Exponential\((\lambda)\) r.v.’s. For example, these could be the successive waiting times of the next \(n\) events in a Poisson process with intensity \(\lambda t\). Then, the total waiting time for the next \(n\) events is \(Y = \sum_{i=1}^n X_i\). Using the MGF method, we see \[M_Y(t) = E(e^{tY}) = E(e^{t \sum_{i=1}^n X_i}) \stackrel{ind.}{=}\prod_{i=1}^n M_{X_i}(t)\stackrel{iid}{=}M_X(t)^n = \left(\frac{1}{1-t/\lambda}\right)^n,\] which is the MGF of a Gamma random variable with two parameters: the shape (here \(n\)), and the rate (here \(\lambda\)). The Gamma distribution has PDF \[f_Y(y) = \frac{\lambda^n}{\Gamma(n)}y^{n-1}e^{-\lambda y},\, y>0\] where \(\Gamma(\cdot)\) denotes the “Gamma” function. If \(n\) is a positive integer \(\Gamma(n) = (n-1)!\). Note: the PDF can be derived from the MGF using the inverse Laplace transform but we’ll not venture into these mathematical details here.

Using the fact the Gamma r.v. is a sum of iid Exponential r.v.’s we have \[E(Y) = n/\lambda \quad\text{and}\quad V(Y) = n/\lambda^2.\] In general, the shape parameter \(n\) need not be an integer, but if it is a fraction, then we lose the interpretation of the Gamma r.v. in terms of total waiting time.

9.4 Normal (Gaussian) Distribution

We have already seen how a limiting case of the Binomial distribution can give rise to the Poisson distribution and describe a different type of experiment. Now, we’ll explore a different kind of Binomial limiting case; specifically, consider the Bernoulli success probability \(p\) to be fixed while the number of Bernoulli trials \(n\rightarrow \infty\).

The specific mathematical connection between the Binomial and Normal takes a bit of setting up. Let \(F_X(x)\) denote the cumulative mass function of a Binomial\((n,p)\) r.v. Recall, this equals \(F_X(x) = \sum_{k=0}^x {n\choose k}p^k(1-p)^{n-k}\). Let \(Y\) be the “centered and scaled” (or called “standardized”) version of \(X\): \(Y = \frac{X - np}{\sqrt{np(1-p)}}\); this is \(X\) minus its mean and divided by its standard deviation. Let \(F_Y(y)\) denote the corresponding CDF of \(Y\), which equals \(F_X(y\sqrt{np(1-p)}+np)\). Let \(Z\) be a standard normal r.v., which is a continuous r.v. with PDF \[f_Z(z) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-\frac{1}{2}z^2}, \, -\infty < z < \infty.\] Denote \(F_Z(z) = \int_{-\infty}^z \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-\frac{1}{2}s^2}ds\), the standard normal CDF. Then, the Binomial distribution converges to the normal distribution in the following way: \[\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty} F_Y(y) = F_Z(z).\]

This “convergence in distribution” from Binomial to normal is generally known as the DeMoivre-Laplace Theorem, and is a special case of the Central Limit Theorem proved in the next chapter—so, we’ll save the proof of this result until we take up a more general version then.

For now, focus on the interpretation of the Binomial-Normal distribution connection rather than the precise mathematical details. Take the example of a poll once more. Suppose a large number, say \(5000\), eligible voters are polled. It’s of little importance to compute very precise probabilities like \(p(2739) = P(\text{2739 voters prefer candidate 1})\) and much more natural to quantify ranges of the sample proportion, e.g., \(P(\text{between 40 and 45\% of voters prefer candidate 1})\), which is a probability statement about a continuous quantity. The point is, when a discrete variable takes values in a very large set, its often more natural to treat it as a continuous random variable. And, it turns out, at least in the case of the Binomial/poll, the continuous approximation is very good.

9.4.1 Example: Poll and Binomial-Normal approximation

In a poll of \(5000\) eligible voters from a population of voters that is split 50/50 in their preferences between two candidates, what is the probability the sample proportion of voters favoring candidate 1 is between \(47\%\) and \(50\%\)?

Solution: Applying the binomial distribution we have \[P(2350\leq X \leq 2500) = \sum_{x=2350}^{2500} {5000 \choose x}(0.5)^x(0.5)^{2500-x}.\]

Applying the normal approximation, we have \(Y=\frac{X - np}{\sqrt{np(1-p)}} = \frac{X - 2500}{35.35534} \stackrel{\cdot}{\sim}N(0,1)\), and \[P(2350\leq X \leq 2500)\approx P(-4.24261 \leq Y \leq 0).\]

Since \(X\) is discrete and \(Y\) is continuous, it is often suggested that a small adjustment is made to compensate for the fact \(X\) takes only integer values. This is the continuity correction and it has the form \[P_X(x)\approx F_Z\left(\frac{x-np+0.5}{\sqrt{np(1-p)}}\right).\] That is, the Binomial CDF at \(x\) is approximated by the normal CDF at \(z + 0.5/\sqrt{np(1-p)}\) where \(z = \frac{x-np}{\sqrt{np(1-p)}}\)

We can compute these probabilities using the functions \(pbinom\) and \(pnorm\) in R:

## [1] 0.5056313
pnorm(0) - pnorm(-4.24261)
## [1] 0.499989
# with cty corr
pnorm(0+0.5/35.35534) - pnorm(-4.24261+0.5/35.35534)
## [1] 0.5056299